NASA released a press release statement today that Curiosity has found evidence of the possibility of ancient life on Mars. In the press release dated March 12, 2013, RELEASE : 13-073 NASA Rover Finds Conditions Once Suited for Ancient Life on Mars sufficient trace elements of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, sulfur, phosphorus and oxygen (the key chemical ingredient for life) were found in the sedimentary rock drilled from the surface of Mars. This finding has essentially helped us to close some questions and open new ones: for instance, since the ingredients for life is there, then did life actually exist on the red planet? If it did, in what form and for how long? Were the life forms similar to what was found on Earth, was there any sophistication to the molecules or was it simple unicellular organisms? So many questions now remain unanswered and I wish Curiosity well, in helping us uncover more in the future. Comments are closed.